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Master Golf Shots: Ways You Can Lower Your Handicap

According to the National Golf Foundation, 45 million Americans played golf in 2023. And if you were one of them, you might be spending time in 2024 trying to improve your handicap. Improving your accuracy and skill on the course can make all the difference in lowering your scores. Today, we're taking a closer look into effective strategies and tec...
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  251 Hits

Expert Tips for Choosing the Right Golf Instructor for You

Have you heard of the 20-Hour Rule? It says it takes at least 20 hours to become reasonably competent at something. Of course, 20 hours is not enough to become a golf pro, but a golf instructor could help. Golf is considered a complex sport. Players need precision, mental skills, and plenty of physicality. They also need explicit instruction on the...
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  321 Hits

Improve Your Game With These Golf Backswing Tips

 The smallest mistakes in your golf swing can have disastrous results in how you hit the ball. So how can you make sure you're constantly improving your swing? Well, today we're here to transform that frustration into consistency and power on the golf course with a variety of golf backswing tips. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn golf...
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  743 Hits

Learn to Play Golf

cypresswood golf club houston golf course 2 golfers teeing off
Our Revolutionary Instructional Programs are Custom-Tailored to Your Needs   At Cypresswood Golf Club, we've worked hard over the years to develop a revolutionary way to teach and grow the game of golf. No matter your ability or stage of life, golf is a sport you can learn and enjoy for a lifetime. How do I get started if I've never playe...
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  2150 Hits

Welcome New Golfers and Family Golfers!

cypresswood golf club houston golf course new golfers
We are delighted that you have found our golf course and are taking up the great game of golf. It's an outdoor activity that can be enjoyed with friends and family and will provide a lifetime of enjoyment! You may find that the more proficient you get, the more fun you will have playing the game. To help with this, we want to let you know about our...
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  1578 Hits